Tile Floors

Your office appearance can influence your clients’ opinions about the way you handle your business. When your office looks clean and neat, you project an impression of being attentive to details. You either lose or gain their trust by the way your office looks. After all, you wouldn’t feel so confident in an unprofessional-looking doctor’s office, would you?

Nowadays, many offices are ditching carpets in favor of tiles. Office tiles are easier to clean and do not hide unsanitary elements like dust, dirt, molds, and liquids like carpets do. With sparkling clean office tiles, your clients will be impressed at how much care you give to an area that is often overlooked.

The Problem with Just Mopping the Floor

We usually treat the floors to a quick cleaning with a mop and water bucket. This method takes care of visible dirt on the office tiles fast and with minimum hassle. While this is a great way to keep the floor clean, it may not be enough.

With mopping, you tend to move debris around and deposit them on the grouts and tile grooves. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the tile grout, leaving unsightly marks on your floor. The same goes for textured office tiles, where the grooves tend to collect dirt and debris.

Quick sweeps of vacuum can help dislodge the grit and dirt trapped on the grout and tile grooves if done regularly. But some dirt can get deeply ingrained into the grout; in this case, going for a deep-cleaning system is the best option. Reputable commercial cleaning companies can provide excellent floor-cleaning services and help keep your office floor looking its best.

How Often Should Office Tiles Be Cleaned: Factors to Consider

Office tiles are not all equal; therefore, the cleaning approaches are also different. For every type of flooring, there are cleaning methods to consider if you want to keep them well-maintained. Other than the type of tiles, you should also take into consideration the foot traffic and its exposure to dirt and other contaminants.

  1. Tile type

Different types of tiles are used depending on the look and feel that an office is trying to achieve. An office that is aiming for a warm and cozy look might choose carpet tiles. If you prioritize functionality and durability, vinyl tiles are best. Ceramic tiles are a great choice if you prize beauty and elegance. As a general rule, all types of commercial floors need a deep cleaning treatment at least once a year. Carpet tiles, which tend to absorb dirt and contaminants like liquid and allergens, should be cleaned twice a year. But take note that other factors may change the frequentness of deep cleaning.

  1. Foot traffic

Various areas in the office receive different foot traffic. Office areas with moderate traffic include lobbies, hallways, and meeting rooms. Giving these areas a deep-cleaning treatment 3 to 4 times a year is good.

For high-traffic office areas like entryways, bathrooms, and pantries, it is recommended to deep clean them at least once every month. That will ensure a healthy and sanitary environment and prevent dirt, bacteria, and stains from accumulating on the floor.

  1. Exposure to dirt

The floor’s exposure to dirt and contaminants can also dictate how often it should be deep cleaned. The entranceway, for example, is subject to footfall coming from the outside and gets in contact with outdoor contaminants. Floor areas that are constantly exposed to dirt and filth must be deepcleaned 3 to 4 times a year. For moderate exposure, three times a year may be sufficient. For areas with little exposure, once or twice a year may be enough.

Office Tiles Maintenance Tips In-Between Professional Cleaning

So, your floor has just been freshly deep cleaned. You want to keep it that way for as long as possible, until the next deep cleaning schedule. Here are some ways you can prolong the freshness of your floor:

  • Regular vacuuming can go a long way in keeping your floor as fresh as the day it had its deep-cleaning treatment.
  • Consider using a grout cleaner on your office tiles to keep the grout from trapping dirt and germs.
  • Choose string mops over sponge mops. The latter can push dirt and debris into the tile grout.
  • Change the water bucket as often as necessary when mopping the floor. Don’t wait for the water to turn murky.
  • Waxing your floor can also help protect it from various elements and keep the floor’s luster until the next deep cleaning schedule.

Aim for an Elevated Standard of Cleanliness

When it comes to office cleanliness, don’t scrimp! Hire a commercial cleaning service to help keep your place of business looking pristine, positive, and professional. Make a positive and lasting impression with your clients and visitors